Monday, March 27, 2017

I got muted by the shit admins again

They gave me a Gmute or what ever that is and here is me in the chat with the shit admins

He did not even respond.and what did I even do to be muted???

Also see the Jesus guy being attacked just for having a name Jesus. Mods do nothing.

[3:18:33 PM] [MOTD]: [17:49:59] [MOTD]: Welcome to DevPro-English! | N-Word is forbidden! | Rules: | Patch Notes: | Discord: | Discord for TEAMS: |  New Tournament details:
[3:18:39 PM] [Nerosmoke]: BA is so bad
[3:18:39 PM] [SephLionheart]: lol and dark law
[3:18:50 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i dont even see dark law anymore
[3:18:54 PM] [SephLionheart]: sorry 3 offenders of overuse. do not be forgetting dark law
[3:19:12 PM] [Nerosmoke]: Dark Law is the only reasion hero decks are good
[3:19:21 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i feel norden or seraphanite is more overused, but i am a hero players so that might be why
[3:19:24 PM] [SephLionheart]: soon as link format hits, itll be dark law and toad as the staple extra deck monsters that dont need links
[3:19:24 PM] [PhantomXYZ]: i know right corgishokan!
[3:19:30 PM] [PhantomXYZ]: i hate both cards
[3:19:33 PM] [SephLionheart]: good, let heroes die
[3:19:43 PM] [TD][has199]: Same with Nekroz and Shaddolls, before worlds Nekroz got a slight tap on the wrist with shurit to 1 and Chain banned before both lost all their power plays in the banlist after worlds
[3:19:45 PM] [CorgiShokan]: no way, i love playing heores
[3:19:48 PM] [SephLionheart]: im sick of heroes, its like a damn cancer
[3:19:54 PM] [SephLionheart]: u guys dont even play heroes
[3:19:58 PM] [SephLionheart]: you play masked heroes
[3:20:00 PM] [CorgiShokan]: with honesty neos, you can actually play a decent beatdown deck
[3:20:01 PM] [darkgod789]: it would be nice if there was a hand trap that changes the attributes of all monsters on the opponent's field
[3:20:09 PM] [SephLionheart]: none of you fuse
[3:20:13 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i do
[3:20:15 PM] [SephLionheart]: you just tribute
[3:20:25 PM] [CorgiShokan]: miracle fuson babY!
[3:20:28 PM] [darkgod789]: means that i can shut down toad, crystal wing with doom
[3:20:35 PM] [SephLionheart]: yeah right
[3:20:36 PM] [CorgiShokan]: doom?
[3:20:41 PM] [PhantomXYZ]: i used to run a neo spacian deck :P
[3:20:43 PM] [darkgod789]: koa'ki meiru doom
[3:20:55 PM] [SephLionheart]: sorry but any deck that allows a searchable macro cosmos for only ONE player
[3:20:58 PM] [SephLionheart]: is a joke
[3:21:10 PM] [CorgiShokan]: how does doom stop toad?
[3:21:14 PM] [TD][has199]: Its not searchable if its in the extra deck
[3:21:17 PM] [SephLionheart]: hated macro decks to begin with
[3:21:28 PM] [TD][has199]: Its accessible at any time
[3:21:29 PM] [darkgod789]: if there is a card that changes a card's attribute and is a hand trap
[3:21:30 PM] [SephLionheart]: please has, dont nitpick you know exactly what i mean
[3:21:39 PM] [TD][has199]: Generally agree though
[3:21:47 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i mean i dont really use dark law unless my opp is playing like 60 card or some shutdown bs
[3:21:47 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: TD is it true there is a card that allows you to attack on the first turn of the game
[3:21:56 PM] [TD][has199]: Macro and D-fissure should die
[3:21:58 PM] [TD][has199]: No
[3:22:02 PM] [darkgod789]: doom stops dark and light effects during main phase
[3:22:12 PM] [SephLionheart]: no because a game mechanic stops anyone attacking turn 1
[3:22:14 PM] [CorgiShokan]: toadally is water though
[3:22:32 PM] [darkgod789]: did you pay attention to what i said?
[3:22:32 PM] [CorgiShokan]: and wait, crystal wing is WIND
[3:22:33 PM] [SephLionheart]: thats like saying can i normal summon to my opponents spell/trap zone....well no you cant
[3:22:46 PM] [darkgod789]: [21:29:49] [darkgod789]: it would be nice if there was a hand trap that changes the attributes of all monsters on the opponent's field
[3:22:52 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: Well thats interesting because someone did beat me the first turn of the game and said it was a special card affect
[3:22:56 PM] [CorgiShokan]: but they'll just negate that wont they?
[3:22:59 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: could they have been hacking?
[3:23:06 PM] [TD][has199]: You cant hack on devpro
[3:23:08 PM] [SephLionheart]: ....noone attacks turn 1
[3:23:10 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: then how
[3:23:11 PM] [darkgod789]: not if you use the hand trap before summoning doom
[3:23:17 PM] [TD][has199]: He's probably used eff damage
[3:23:18 PM] [SephLionheart]: effect damage or nothing
[3:23:21 PM] [CorgiShokan]: jesus you probably are remembeing it wrong
[3:23:26 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: well wait
[3:23:34 PM] [darkgod789]: what cards?
[3:23:38 PM] [SephLionheart]: what was he using
[3:23:40 PM] [darkgod789]: gallis otk can kill turn 1
[3:23:42 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: he even said that there was a card that can attack first turn
[3:23:43 PM] [darkgod789]: exodia can kill turn 1
[3:23:52 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: i dont remeber but my brother was watching
[3:23:52 PM] [darkgod789]: jesus: EXPLAIN
[3:23:52 PM] [SephLionheart]: there is no such card that can atk turn 1
[3:23:57 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: he saw it too
[3:24:01 PM] [darkgod789]: then jesus is most likely bullshitting
[3:24:05 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: no im not
[3:24:05 PM] [CorgiShokan]: ok so you either remember it wrong, or they lied to you
[3:24:10 PM] [darkgod789]: you haven't explained anything
[3:24:12 PM] [darkgod789]: no specifics
[3:24:12 PM] [SephLionheart]: indeed
[3:24:18 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: it may have been eff damage
[3:24:21 PM] [TD][has199]: shite troll is shite
[3:24:24 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: but i dont think it was
[3:24:27 PM] [CorgiShokan]: Kill Jesus
[3:24:29 PM] [CorgiShokan]: again
[3:24:33 PM] [SephLionheart]: then it was an alternate win condition
[3:24:35 PM] [darkgod789]: pretty much what has199 said
[3:24:40 PM] [darkgod789]: gallis otk can win turn 1
[3:24:43 PM] [darkgod789]: but its a burn loop
[3:24:46 PM] [SephLionheart]: in which case gg, u were decked out
[3:24:51 PM] [darkgod789]: and you have to open up all 3
[3:24:55 PM] [darkgod789]: pieces
[3:24:55 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: lol you guys just assume im lying becuase of my username so you can attack Jesus
[3:25:00 PM] [darkgod789]: no
[3:25:01 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: happens all the time
[3:25:05 PM] [darkgod789]: its because you haven't explained shit
[3:25:07 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: im not trolling
[3:25:09 PM] [CorgiShokan]: no we assume you are lying because you dont explain shit
[3:25:10 PM] [darkgod789]: no specific cards
[3:25:11 PM] [darkgod789]: nothing
[3:25:13 PM] [SephLionheart]:
[3:25:14 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: it was a long time ago anyways
[3:25:23 PM] [CorgiShokan]: back in the bc era?
[3:25:23 PM] [Server]: Jesus_is_Lord_ has been kicked by has199 (Excessive trolling)
[3:25:28 PM] [CorgiShokan]: XD
[3:25:34 PM] [SephLionheart]: That one was warranted a bit
[3:25:48 PM] [CorgiShokan]: wait you can get kicked for excessive trolling?
[3:25:51 PM] [darkgod789]: exodia can win turn 1
[3:25:54 PM] [SephLionheart]: of course you can
[3:25:57 PM] [darkgod789]: gallis otk can win turn 1
[3:26:00 PM] [SephLionheart]: noone likes a troll
[3:26:01 PM] [CorgiShokan]: how have i never been kicked for that then?
[3:26:01 PM] [darkgod789]: blaze fenix can win turn 1
[3:26:11 PM] [SephLionheart]: dark dont list them all
[3:26:14 PM] [darkgod789]: but all of these are either burn decks or alternate win cons
[3:26:43 PM] [SephLionheart]: I really wish there was healer deck in yugioh
[3:26:52 PM] [darkgod789]: also norden should've bene hit
[3:26:53 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: im not trolling I assumed it wasnt hackable being server side but then how can they do that, is there a high level monster that can do eff damage because if i remember right it was a high level monster
[3:27:17 PM] [SephLionheart]: that had a trap that allowed you to win if you have 20,000LP
[3:27:20 PM] [darkgod789]: inb4 its tyrant neptune with nightingale
[3:27:26 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: it wasnt tyrant
[3:27:29 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: u run tyrant
[3:27:34 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: only does 5k damage
[3:27:37 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: i run*I
[3:27:38 PM] [CorgiShokan]: do you remember WHAT it was jesus
[3:27:43 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: i will look for it
[3:27:53 PM] [Server]: Jesus_is_Lord_ has been kicked by has199 (Flooding)
[3:27:54 PM] [SephLionheart]: ...was it a fusion, eff monster, synchro i mean cmon ffs
[3:28:06 PM] [Server]: has199: New tournament coming soon details are here:
[3:28:10 PM] [CorgiShokan]: man this chat is pretty anti-christian
[3:28:21 PM] [SephLionheart]: yeah good tbh
[3:28:31 PM] [SephLionheart]: I prefer people who make their own religion
[3:28:33 PM] [darkgod789]: i'm anti religion tbh so meh
[3:28:37 PM] [CorgiShokan]: we've kicked out Jesus twice!
[3:28:37 PM] [TD][has199]: Lets not get into a religion debate please
[3:28:49 PM] [SephLionheart]: noone is has, we talking about people
[3:28:56 PM] [CorgiShokan]: ok on 3 say what the worst religion is
[3:29:00 PM] [CorgiShokan]: lol
[3:29:18 PM] [SephLionheart]: thats not kickable has, easy with the boot
[3:29:32 PM] [TD][has199]: It was flood
[3:29:41 PM] [SephLionheart]: was talking about corgi
[3:29:43 PM] [CorgiShokan]: aw, had tried to kick me?
[3:29:50 PM] [TD][has199]: I didnt
[3:30:05 PM] [CorgiShokan]: :|
[3:30:12 PM] [SephLionheart]: ....guys sarcasm, lightening the room...coz it got weirdly serious
[3:30:19 PM] [CorgiShokan]: oooo
[3:30:19 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: thanks for the kick but yea im pretty sure it was this card
[3:30:27 PM] [kokugatsu]: back
[3:30:32 PM] [CorgiShokan]: of course
[3:30:32 PM] [SephLionheart]: not a ftk
[3:30:40 PM] [darkgod789]: its the world loop
[3:30:42 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: well i didnt know
[3:30:43 PM] [darkgod789]: or was it world lock
[3:30:44 PM] [CorgiShokan]: because only za warudo is powerful enough to stop Jesus
[3:30:52 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: i couldnt tell cuz i never read the card
[3:30:54 PM] [darkgod789]: its like turns in mtg
[3:30:54 PM] [SephLionheart]: you just arent getting a turn
[3:30:56 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: but i never got to go
[3:31:06 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: makes sense though
[3:31:14 PM] [SephLionheart]: god i miss gishki loop
[3:31:14 PM] [CorgiShokan]: hey speaking of, why did Jotaro change his stand name to Star Platinum the World?
[3:31:22 PM] [SephLionheart]: i had so much fun with gishki loop
[3:31:33 PM] [SephLionheart]: lost alot of rating on DN with it
[3:31:36 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i mean know there the same stands, but i dont think he's got to take it that far
[3:31:53 PM] [Nerosmoke]: The new clear wing needs pendulm?
[3:31:56 PM] [Nerosmoke]: that sucks
[3:32:03 PM] [SephLionheart]: yeah, itll suck in link format
[3:32:06 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: lol how can a fictional character beat God?
[3:32:11 PM] [SephLionheart]: for now its not half bad
[3:32:20 PM] [Drladders]: Because god is also a fictional character ^)
[3:32:23 PM] [Drladders]: :^)*
[3:32:24 PM] [CorgiShokan]: are you asking me how a fictional character could beat another one?
[3:32:31 PM] [CorgiShokan]: dammit ladders
[3:32:32 PM] [SephLionheart]: he beat me by like 2 seconds XD
[3:32:33 PM] [Nerosmoke]: I feel like gishki was never as cancer as neckoz was
[3:32:49 PM] [CorgiShokan]: we can't all go for the same fruit
[3:32:53 PM] [CorgiShokan]: thats how sin was born!
[3:32:56 PM] [Drladders]: Tbf he made it so obvious
[3:33:02 PM] [SephLionheart]: gishki loop took more thought than omega loop imo
[3:33:03 PM] [Drladders]: How could we not make that joke m8
[3:33:09 PM] [SephLionheart]: and a more dedicated deck
[3:33:11 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i know but now im salty
[3:33:44 PM] [CorgiShokan]: if i ever get points i might change my name to SaltedCorgis
[3:33:53 PM] [CorgiShokan]: probably be more accurate
[3:33:54 PM] [Drladders]: Don't do it
[3:34:00 PM] [Drladders]: CorgiShokan is tier 0
[3:34:08 PM] [CorgiShokan]: think so?
[3:34:48 PM] [CorgiShokan]: hey guys, when do you think Corgi summoning will be a thing?
[3:35:02 PM] [Drladders]: When we get a monster called "corgi something"
[3:35:11 PM] [Drladders]: Which the TCG will be likely to rename a dog card to
[3:35:15 PM] [SephLionheart]: can you just change your name to correctly spell shoukan
[3:35:24 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: God is not fictional
[3:35:26 PM] [CorgiShokan]: well we do have a toy poodle and a shiba card
[3:35:33 PM] [CorgiShokan]: no lionheart
[3:35:36 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i cant
[3:35:45 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: evolution has been debunked
[3:35:53 PM] [Drladders]: Nice b8 m8
[3:35:55 PM] [darkgod789]: and now we have the religious debate
[3:35:57 PM] darkgod789 yawns
[3:35:59 PM] [Drladders]: No we don't
[3:36:00 PM] SephLionheart Triggered
[3:36:05 PM] [CorgiShokan]: more like a religious debait
[3:36:08 PM] [Drladders]: He's just trying to bait and no one has taken it yet
[3:36:15 PM] [CorgiShokan]: oo bait! noms
[3:36:20 PM] [darkgod789]: reminds me of a dumbass retard called godexists
[3:36:36 PM] [darkgod789]: although godexists was more about copying and pasting relgiious shit while failing to ban evade
[3:36:38 PM] [CorgiShokan]: evolution is real, your god is a lie, and you will die alone
[3:36:50 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: yet you trusts scientists who tell you gods not real having an equal amount of faith as me just in a different thing
[3:36:55 PM] [SephLionheart]: my god has a bigger dick than your god XD
[3:37:06 PM] [darkgod789]: now its become a religious debate
[3:37:09 PM] [CorgiShokan]: oh yeah, well my god is Mara
[3:37:16 PM] [TD][has199]: How effective is lance vs paleozoics?
[3:37:18 PM] [CorgiShokan]: so my god is just a big dick
[3:37:27 PM] [Drladders]: I don't think jesus knows what the word faith means
[3:37:34 PM] [SephLionheart]: not very since they use the monster to make it monster eff instead
[3:37:44 PM] [Drladders]: If you're going to bait at least use a dictionary
[3:37:52 PM] [Drladders]: Has want to tag?
[3:37:57 PM] [CorgiShokan]: Ladders, i dont think most new age christians do
[3:38:01 PM] [darkgod789]: lance can also stop burgesstoma from chaining
[3:38:01 PM] [CorgiShokan]: oh can i join
[3:38:02 PM] [TD][has199]: After I finish this match
[3:38:07 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: yea well unfourtuantely Jesus has been proven to exist even athiest scholars admit he had to have been a real person so
[3:38:21 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: they just wont admit hes god
[3:38:28 PM] [Drladders]: You do realize most myths and legends have some truth to them?
[3:38:39 PM] [Drladders]: Where there is smoke there is fire.
[3:38:43 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: its no more of a myth than your evoltion
[3:38:46 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: you didnt see it
[3:38:49 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: you cant prove it
[3:38:51 PM] [SephLionheart]: ........tell you what, in 2000 years il be a messiah and lets see atheists deny my existence
[3:38:53 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: and yet you believe it
[3:38:54 PM] [darkgod789]: has: wanna do something?
[3:39:00 PM] [CorgiShokan]: you know what guys
[3:39:04 PM] [SephLionheart]: stop talking troll boy
[3:39:04 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i think Jesus is right
[3:39:13 PM] [CorgiShokan]: because you see, I am God.
[3:39:17 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: so whats the difference
[3:39:28 PM] [TD][has199]: [21:29:26] [TD][has199]: Lets not get into a religion debate please
[3:39:36 PM] [DoubleD2]: arew e getting a Shadolite archtype
[3:39:40 PM] [Drladders]: Well has they haven't gotten out of hand
[3:39:40 PM] [CorgiShokan]: you cant debate with God has
[3:39:42 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: TD its not religion
[3:39:42 PM] [Drladders]: so it isn't a big deal
[3:39:44 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: its history
[3:39:49 PM] [DoubleD2]: because i only havce 1 of every card archtype sounds really intresting
[3:39:51 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: Jesus has been proven to exist
[3:39:56 PM] [CorgiShokan]: yeah
[3:39:58 PM] [CorgiShokan]: cuz hes me
[3:40:00 PM] [CorgiShokan]: and i exist
[3:40:02 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: research athiest scholars even
[3:40:40 PM] [Mod][Caz_Smiles]: Has gave you a warning. Drop any religious topic.
[3:40:43 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: and plus religion is based on good works you cant be saved by good works in christianity
[3:40:51 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: jesus is the only salvation
[3:40:52 PM] [SephLionheart]: Actually hes been kicked multiple times
[3:40:54 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: not your works
[3:41:00 PM] [SephLionheart]: i believe hes ready for a 48hour
[3:41:08 PM] [CorgiShokan]: so is me coming out as the true creator a no no?
[3:41:09 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: go ahead
[3:41:09 PM] [Drladders]: The conversation hasn't gotten out of hand
[3:41:14 PM] [Drladders]: stop trying to be hitler
[3:41:15 PM] [Mod][Caz_Smiles]: Don't Mini-mod the chat Seph.
[3:41:27 PM] [SephLionheart]: yeah yeah im telling you whats already went down
[3:41:32 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: hitler was acclaimed to be a catholic or occultist
[3:41:36 PM] [CorgiShokan]: I wonder if Hitler believed in god
[3:41:40 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: both non christian
[3:41:45 PM] [darkgod789]: oh here we go
[3:41:49 PM] [Nerosmoke]: I also think jesus was right
[3:41:53 PM] [Mod][YuNarukami]: >trying to be hitler
[3:41:53 PM] [darkgod789]: thanks alot ladders
[3:41:54 PM] [Nerosmoke]: oh no it is happening
[3:41:56 PM] [SephLionheart]: hes trying to get kicked so you may as well
[3:42:06 PM] [Mod][YuNarukami]: we decide when to stop it lmao
[3:42:07 PM] [Drladders]: Jesus is lord has actually been passive
[3:42:07 PM] [Nerosmoke]: I think the mods are hilter
[3:42:16 PM] [Mod][Caz_Smiles]: We appreciate your feedback.
[3:42:20 PM] [Drladders]: lol
[3:42:37 PM] [SephLionheart]: i wouldnt go that far
[3:42:41 PM] [Nerosmoke]: think about that? who else other then mods ban people for being a jew
[3:42:42 PM] [Drladders]: Why don't you just end every conversation that begins?
[3:42:43 PM] [SephLionheart]: maybe trump
[3:42:43 PM] [DoubleD2]: Actually, if you look into diffreing texts iun the bible, you have to A.) do good works AND belive in jesus
[3:42:48 PM] [DoubleD2]: its not jsut one or the other
[3:43:11 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]: actually good works are commanded and partially a result o salvation
[3:43:11 PM] [TD][has199]: Ok ladders im done
[3:43:14 PM] [Drladders]: Okay
[3:43:18 PM] [Drladders]: You toast
[3:43:20 PM] [Nerosmoke]: Well you just have not to do bad works
[3:43:30 PM] [Nerosmoke]: you can do nothing and not rape people
[3:43:54 PM] [CorgiShokan]: look nero, without rape, we wouldnt be here today.
[3:43:56 PM] [Jesus_is_Lord_]:
[3:44:10 PM] [Drladders]: 2 for taG
[3:44:11 PM] [Nerosmoke]: Looks like someone is a rapist
[3:44:17 PM] [DoubleD2]: The commadments that God gave are proactive, so its is probably impossible to not do anything and still lead a good life
[3:44:18 PM] [Mod][Gardevoir]: :v
[3:44:23 PM] [CorgiShokan]: yep, thats how that works
[3:44:30 PM] [CorgiShokan]: i say the word rape, and now im a rapist
[3:44:33 PM] [CorgiShokan]: blue
[3:44:39 PM] [Drladders]: Now you're a smurf
[3:44:40 PM] [CorgiShokan]: whoops, now im a blueist
[3:44:45 PM] [Nerosmoke]: Just dont rape and kill how hard is that? dont be a douch
[3:44:58 PM] [CorgiShokan]: dang it ladders
[3:45:02 PM] [CorgiShokan]: outdone again
[3:45:04 PM] [Drladders]: Corgi tag is open
[3:45:25 PM] [Drladders]: People keep joining then sit there for a 1minute
[3:45:29 PM] [Drladders]: a minute*
[3:45:37 PM] [Drladders]: Then leave because it isn't old list.
[3:46:05 PM] [DoubleD2]: Anyway, does anyone think that we might get a Shadolite archtype? or is that old news?

Sunday, March 26, 2017

That time I beat Has199

That time I beat Has199

I don't know who he is but people tell me he is good. So here is the proof that it happened.